Skilled Rider Course

Skilled Rider Course


Designed for riders who want a little extra time on the range - the Skills Practice is a bring-your-own bike, 1-day class where you'll refine your riding skills, sharpen your riding mindset, and build your confidence on the bike you own. Get ready to own the road after class completion.


Prepare for your own class

You will need the following:

  • A two-wheeled street ready motorcycle
  • Motorcycle endorsement
  • Proof of valid motorcycle insurance and registration

 The class will begin with a pre-ride inspection of your motorcycle. Plan ahead and conduct this before your class, so you aren’t sorting things out at the range. Check these items and your bike will pass the inspection like a boss.

  • Tires- check your tires for dry rot, that is cracks in the side walls, tread depth, and air pressure. Be sure to use the tire pressures recommended in your owner’s manual.
  • Controls- Check your levers, pedals, cables, and hoses for function and condition.
  • Lights and Mirrors- Make sure your headlights, turn signals and taillights are functioning and your mirrors are tight. 
  • Oil and fluids- Check your oil levels and verify that there are no obvious oil leaks. 
  • Chassis- Check out your suspension front and rear for function and tightness and have a look at your final drive too. 
  • Stands- make sure your side stand or center stand function correctly and stow fully. These checks take about ten minutes and will ensure that your bike is as ready for the class as you are.

You will need

  • Your DOT approved Helmet
  • Eye protection
  • Full fingered gloves
  • Long sleeve shirt
  • Sturdy jeans or riding pants
  • Sturdy over the ankle footwear 

The course is rain or shine so be ready for the weather as you would for any day long ride, pack your rain gear. Also plan for shifts in temperature, dressing in layers will accommodate the cold in the early morning. Peeling off some layers in the afternoon will relive you from that hot sun. Also, pack some snacks. Be prepared to keep yourself mentally and physically in the game with a snack bar, fruit or whatever keeps you focused.  Most programs provide bottled water and time for a lunch break, ask ahead to be sure.

 At the range you will start the day with that pre-ride inspection on your bike, if you prepped it before the class you’ll be feeling confident about passing the pre-ride inspection.

 Your coaches will explain the course layout, read exercise objectives and instructions, ride a demo ride to show the path of travel and desired technique, and occasionally have you practice a skill on your bike with the engine off. Then it is your turn to ride. 

 Exercises are generally about 30/40 minutes long and most programs will run two or three and then take a break. There will also be some range side “chalk talk” and activities, which are intended to sharpen your mental riding skills.


The course focuses on improving these skills:

  • Control at low speeds
  • Risk management
  • Limited space maneuvers
  • Cornering judgment
  • Swerving and stopping quickly on straights and in curves
  • Multiple curve maneuvers and surmounting objects

When you're done, you'll earn a MSF Basic Rider Course 2 completion card that may qualify you for a discount on motorcycle insurance.